Black Lives Fucking Matter


there are no tears left to cry

families left to shatter

trauma left to endure

streets left to burn

names left to hashtag and stencil on a sign

we are not thugs, we are not savages, we are not rebels looking for a cause

we are fucking human

and we are fucking tired

we don’t need a celebrity’s publicist writing them templated tweets

we don’t need copy and pasted hashtags

we don’t need empty allies and false political leaders

we need change and we will take it, forcefully

if trayvon martin, sandra bland, or eric garner somehow weren’t enough

we’re making sure george floyd is

we’re making sure the unjust deaths that weren’t caught on camera are honored

we’re making sure the cowards empowered by a uniform are punished

we’re making sure this is the last chapter of a cycle that has long overstayed its welcome

love, light, and peaceful protests won’t work on an oppressor that lacks basic level empathy

black lives fucking matter

and if you take offense to that, our rage in the form of flames will meet you at your doorstep


Hi, lovely! My name is Jazmin Kylene, and I’m a spiritual counselor and journalist. I created Lali La Luna as a sacred space for us to connect, express, and feel seen in a conscious manner. I leave those on a healing journey and seeking my guidance feeling empowered and aligned through detailed chart readings, one-on-one/group healing sessions, and interviews that explore what we’re all experiencing and simply not talking about. My only intention within my work is to provide a mirror to your own magic.

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