2020's Nectar


What has 2020 taught you about the life that you want to live?

The life I am building is a life that’s solely mine. A life filled with 

community, healing, presence, and human connection. 

I choose my life’s dedication to be valued by inner fulfillment and not 

anything external. Not financial gain, not followers and analytics, not the

approval of strangers.

I choose to see every corner of the world, embrace vulnerability, 

and be a student of the universe while stepping into my role as 

a teacher and guide.

I will honor and adorn myself by rooting myself in 

the version of me I’m proudest of.

I won’t work for anyone but the collective.

I will be anchored in my peace, surrounded by love and nature, 

disconnected from the matrix and empowered by simply just being.

What do I think my soul chose to come here? What karmic

 lessons am I meant to learn?

I stand firm in the knowing that we are on the 

precipice of the golden age and I chose to be here 

to serve as a lightworker.

To heal with my words, my guidance, my mere existence.

My ancestors who guide me had their voices stifled and their 

dignity ripped from their hands. They prayed for the freedom they 

gifted me now and I honor them by owning my power.

By standing in my voice.

By building a life I love while giving myself permission 

to live a life I love.

By saying yes to my soul’s desires fearlessly and leading 

those who see me to do the same.

Above all else, I’m rooted in the belief that the core of it all 

is love and by us answering our individual calls, we will leave behind 

an oasis for those that will come after us and look to us as ancestors


Hi, lovely! My name is Jazmin Kylene, and I’m a spiritual counselor and journalist. I created Lali La Luna as a sacred space for us to connect, express, and feel seen in a conscious manner. I leave those on a healing journey and seeking my guidance feeling empowered and aligned through detailed chart readings, one-on-one/group healing sessions, and interviews that explore what we’re all experiencing and simply not talking about. My only intention within my work is to provide a mirror to your own magic.

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