

I choose to feel as deeply and as often as my body will warrant

to live a life safe and numbed is not true living at all

I choose desire, risk, curiosity, and exploration to paint my mundane

is running away from what we deem as pain instinctual or conditioned?

why do we vilify an emotion simply because it makes us uncomfortable?

healing too quickly would take the magic out of the experience

healing too quickly would take the transformation out of the awareness

I want everything to move through me, to change me

to light me the fuck up and burn me the fuck out

so that I can reintroduce myself to myself

every conversation I have, every sentence I read, 

every color I feel, every music I taste must be honored at full capacity

because what good would my senses be if I didn’t gift them depth?

what good would my happiness be if it was all I knew?

love deeply until it envelopes you

cry fully until your ears ring

laugh freely until your lungs have no air left

do the things that paralyze you with fear until that fear is courage and that courage is pride

observe emotion and thank it as you bid it farewell

it will change and so will you


Hi, lovely! My name is Jazmin Kylene, and I’m a spiritual counselor and journalist. I created Lali La Luna as a sacred space for us to connect, express, and feel seen in a conscious manner. I leave those on a healing journey and seeking my guidance feeling empowered and aligned through detailed chart readings, one-on-one/group healing sessions, and interviews that explore what we’re all experiencing and simply not talking about. My only intention within my work is to provide a mirror to your own magic.

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